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Introduction to IoT
In this video, we have explained what the Internet of Things is. We have discussed the standard definition of IoT. We discussed what is a network of devices and technologies used in IoT and also explained What an IoT Node is. We learn about what is data in IoT and how to collect such data using sensors and controllers. We discussed which IoT protocols are used to exchange the data and how data processing can happen at edge computing and cloud computing.

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4-Layer Architecture of IoT
In this video, we have explained the four-layer IoT architecture. This video will help you to understand the how IoT ecosystem works. We discussed how the Sensing layer produces the data and how the network layer uses different technologies and protocols to exchange the data. We also discussed how gathered data is processed and analysed in edge computing and cloud computing. Finally, we discussed how IoT impacts human life and how users can interact with the IoT ecosystem using user interfaces.

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Benefits & Challenges of IoT
IoT | Benefits of IoT | Challenges in IoT | Automation | Remote Controlling and Monitoring In this video, we have explained the Benefits of IoT. After the discussion, you will understand why the industry is adopting IoT. Various benefits of IoT have been discussed in this video. When the IoT ecosystem is implemented various challenges arise. We have addressed such challenges in this video. This video will help you to understand why IoT is used and How can be IoT used.

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Applications of IoT
IoT | Application of IoT | Smart city | Healthteach | Autonomous vehicles | remote sensing In this video, We have discussed some of the futuristic applications of IoT. How IoT is going to impact our lives in upcoming near future, we have discussed that here in this video. From the smart city, and healthcare to the environmental application of IoT we have discussed.

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What is Arduino?
From this video, we are starting a new topic IoT hardware and software. We have discussed what exactly Arduino is. We also touch the topics like development boards, Programming IDE and Open source. This video will help you to understand the topic of Arduino and the use of Arduino in the Internet of Things. We will continue our discussion in an upcoming video.

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Arduino Hardware
In this video, we deep dive into Arduino Hardware. We discuss the concept of a development board and Also answer the question of why to use Arduino Uno as beginner. We discuss the Hardware board of Arduino Uno in depth. We cover all the components which are available on the Arduino uno Development board. We also discuss the specifications of the hardware board.